Pesan Manis Ashraf Sinclair ke BCL: Sea, Sun and Someone

Pesan Manis Ashraf Sinclair ke BCL: Sea, Sun and Someone -
BCL dan Ashraf Sinclair. Foto: Instagram @ashrafsinclair

3. Liburan bersama.

Salah satu ucapan yang sangat romantis yang disampaikan Ashraf adalah ketika mereka menghabiskan waktu bersama di Labuan Bajo. Momen mesra itu pun diunggahnya ke Instagram.

"The waves may come but always know. I got you babe," tulis Ashraf.

4. Ulang tahun Ashraf Sinclair.

Pada 18 September 2019, Ashraf merayakan ulang tahun ke-40. Di hari spesialnya itu Ashraf mendapatkan kejutan spesial dari sang istri, BCL. Ashraf pun tampak mengunggah foto dirinya bersama BCL dan menuliskan dan mengucapkan terima kasih.

BACA JUGA: Ada Kisah Sedih Antara Ashraf Sinclair dan BCL, Ternyata…

"In the aftermath of my 40'th Birthday, I think back and am filled with a feeling of gratitude... Id like to thank everybody who came, everyone who were instrumental in making it happen. But most of all... I'd like to thank this beautiful woman. This woman who tests me, never takes anything less than the very best, who goes out of her way to do things for others. A person who whenever you are in her space bring out the authentic you. Surprising me with my favourite band @maliqmusic at my party. Thank you @bclsinclair for being that wonderful, challenging and loving presence in my life. My wife, my partner, my all. You understand me better than I understand myself. Thank you," tulis Ashraf.

5. Ulang tahun BCL.

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